Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Dear readers,

I hope you all had a great and productive year!  I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday, and an amazing new year!

Hope you're all reading lots!  (Even if the books aren't mine!).  I just finished Anne Tyler's Saint Maybe - a great read altogether.

Keep turning those pages!


Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Dear readers,

It is with no small amount of humble pomposity that I announce to you that books 1, 2, and 3 of the Newcomer Trilogy are now available for sale:  IN THE WAKE OF A DREAM, DREAMDRIFTER, and UTOPIAN, respectively.

I am very happy with this trilogy! :)

The result of finishing is a combined emotion of relief and sadness - sadness because I'm experiencing that question after I finish any and every project:  well, where do I go from here?

But that's my issue, not yours.  Yours is to enjoy these books to the fullest, and I very much hope you do!

The trilogy is available at Amazon and Smashwords.  Some minor complications with the Barnes & Noble site may delay their arrival there.  However, the novels should disseminate through Smashwords to the Barnes & Noble website before long.  And with Smashwords, once they're in the premium catalog (all four are currently under review) they can be disseminated to many different sites and into many different formats for readers.

Thank you so much for being by my side on this journey.  A big THANK YOU is much deserved by my editor, Kye Fehrenbach, for all of his help during this process.  Such a good reader.  Such a good editor.  Such a good friend.  So many thanks to you.

Lastly, the new covers for the Newborn Trilogy are now available and visible on the aforementioned sites.  With luck the covers will bring some new attention to that trilogy, which I am very proud of as well.

Stay safe and well everyone.

And keep reading :)

Your humble author,


Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Hey friends and readers!

On Sunday, I finished editing the final book in the Newcomer Trilogy, UTOPIAN, and it is off for further editing via my friend/editor Kye; then it's off for formatting.

Upon finishing this last book completely, the ENTIRE Newcomer Trilogy will be released on July 7th, 2015!  Yay!

I have kept my promise!  :)

Simultaneously, the Newborn Trilogy will be entirely re-released with brand new covers!  Excepting one - the new cover for DO US PART, which should be arriving any day now - you can see the new covers to the right side of this post.  I think they look pretty cool, eh?

All seven titles - because we can't forget the Newcomer Trilogy Short Story (prequel) COLOR MY CATCHER - will be released on the same day.

The 7th of July!

I'm so excited!  So excited for you to read and enjoy these books at last!  And also to enjoy the new covers for the old books.  July 7th will be a big, big day in my writing career.  Seven titles - all released to the void at once.  I promise I didn't pick the 7th because there are seven titles...  I thought a day or two past that productive weekend would be a safe bet.

Man this is exciting!

And nerve-wracking...

Ah-well.  The good kind of nerves :)

I think that's all for now.  I will deliver a follow up post on the actual release day, whether it ends up being early, on time, or late (hopefully not that one).

Anyhow, talk later!

Sincerely yours,


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

UTOPIAN is finished

Dear readers,

On Monday, April 27th at 3:17 in the morning, I wrote the words "The End" to the Newcomer Trilogy as I finished UTOPIAN.  I cried I'm not ashamed to admit.  I started this trilogy back in March of 2011.  Four years later, I am forced to say goodbye to Annie, Ash, Todd and Adia forever.

Such is life.

Saying goodbye.

You will have to say goodbye to them, too.

But not yet...

In July.

That's all for now.  As always, thank you for reading.

Sincerely yours,


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Hey readers!


The new-covers-campaign is going ahead in fine fashion!  Below this post to the right side you can see the new cover for NEWBORN.  Watch for updates for the other two for that trilogy.  When they are all done, I will upload them to ePub, Smashwords, Barnes, and Noble, and Amazon.  Also, I will flesh out my author page at the time revealing that...  I'm a dude, yeah :(  Hopefully sales won't plummet but who can tell!

In other news, I'm currently in the middle of writing UTOPIAN, Book 3 of the NEWCOMER Trilogy.  Two of those books are already written, edited, and have their covers ready as you can see on the right side of this post.  July is the hopeful release date for the new trilogy, but it could be earlier.  July is the very latest possibility - better safe than sorry, eh?

Keep checking this site for updates on the writing and editing of UTOPIAN and for the new covers, which should be appearing sporadically over the next month.  I will announce when I have finished the rough draft of UTOPIAN.

Till then, my friends, stay well :)

Your humble author,


Saturday, March 28, 2015


Dear readers,

I am very pleased to announce the release of a brand new series coming in July 2015!  All the books of the trilogy, IN THE WAKE OF A DREAM, DREAMDRIFTER, and UTOPIAN, will be released simultaneously in July.  The new series is called the NEWCOMER Trilogy, not to be confused with the NEWBORN Trilogy, which is currently available for sale.  I can't wait to share these new books with you all :)

Sorry for the delay with the new covers for the NEWBORN Trilogy.  That project is on permanent hold until this new series is finished and released.  Got to to get back to work now on writing and editing! Hope you love the new series.

Thank you so much for being my readers. I don't take it for granted :)

All my best,


Monday, February 16, 2015

Requesting an Extension!

Dear readers,

My apologies for being late with the new book covers.  They are taking much longer than I originally anticipated.

My new goal is to get the new covers finished and out, update my author bios at Amazon and Barnes & Noble and places like that, and come out to readers as a guy by June 1st, 2015.  I know that's a while off, but I'm setting a realistic deadline this time.  It will happen, don't worry :)

I hope you're enjoying the series and rooting for Nora, Wolf, Gabriel and the gang!

Be well and see you in the summer my friends.

Sincerely yours,


Thursday, January 15, 2015


Hey all!

I apologize for having to be the comeback kid and not posting for nearly a year (beat that by a month, hah!) but that was part of my plan - to let the series go, to release it to the void, and see what happened.  Well, sales haven't been terrible, which is good news.  In fact they've been decent.  But after some thought, I decided it was time for a few changes.

Here they are:



3.  And, perhaps most importantly, my decision to come out of the closet...   as a guy.  You see, I've been hiding for a long time.  Like, a very long time - afraid that if you all found out who and what I was, sales would plummet.  Turns out it's hard for lukewarm-to-begin-with sales to plummet, so I'm giving it ago!  Yes I'm male (sorry ladies) and no I don't think that hurts my ability to write in the first personal as a female, one Nora Saynt-Rae.

So these are the strategies that I plan to implement over the next two weeks - a combined year one birthday present to the series (since I released it over a year ago) and also as a birthday present to myself, because mine is right around the corner (hush! hush!).  

That's all for now peeps.  Hope you're doing great and had as wonderful a Christmas, holiday, and New Year's as was possible given your various circumstances.  Because, really, that's all we can ever hope for.  Right?

With all due respect,


P.S.  Expect the new covers before the first of next month!