Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Hey friends and readers!

On Sunday, I finished editing the final book in the Newcomer Trilogy, UTOPIAN, and it is off for further editing via my friend/editor Kye; then it's off for formatting.

Upon finishing this last book completely, the ENTIRE Newcomer Trilogy will be released on July 7th, 2015!  Yay!

I have kept my promise!  :)

Simultaneously, the Newborn Trilogy will be entirely re-released with brand new covers!  Excepting one - the new cover for DO US PART, which should be arriving any day now - you can see the new covers to the right side of this post.  I think they look pretty cool, eh?

All seven titles - because we can't forget the Newcomer Trilogy Short Story (prequel) COLOR MY CATCHER - will be released on the same day.

The 7th of July!

I'm so excited!  So excited for you to read and enjoy these books at last!  And also to enjoy the new covers for the old books.  July 7th will be a big, big day in my writing career.  Seven titles - all released to the void at once.  I promise I didn't pick the 7th because there are seven titles...  I thought a day or two past that productive weekend would be a safe bet.

Man this is exciting!

And nerve-wracking...

Ah-well.  The good kind of nerves :)

I think that's all for now.  I will deliver a follow up post on the actual release day, whether it ends up being early, on time, or late (hopefully not that one).

Anyhow, talk later!

Sincerely yours,
