Tuesday, July 7, 2015


Dear readers,

It is with no small amount of humble pomposity that I announce to you that books 1, 2, and 3 of the Newcomer Trilogy are now available for sale:  IN THE WAKE OF A DREAM, DREAMDRIFTER, and UTOPIAN, respectively.

I am very happy with this trilogy! :)

The result of finishing is a combined emotion of relief and sadness - sadness because I'm experiencing that question after I finish any and every project:  well, where do I go from here?

But that's my issue, not yours.  Yours is to enjoy these books to the fullest, and I very much hope you do!

The trilogy is available at Amazon and Smashwords.  Some minor complications with the Barnes & Noble site may delay their arrival there.  However, the novels should disseminate through Smashwords to the Barnes & Noble website before long.  And with Smashwords, once they're in the premium catalog (all four are currently under review) they can be disseminated to many different sites and into many different formats for readers.

Thank you so much for being by my side on this journey.  A big THANK YOU is much deserved by my editor, Kye Fehrenbach, for all of his help during this process.  Such a good reader.  Such a good editor.  Such a good friend.  So many thanks to you.

Lastly, the new covers for the Newborn Trilogy are now available and visible on the aforementioned sites.  With luck the covers will bring some new attention to that trilogy, which I am very proud of as well.

Stay safe and well everyone.

And keep reading :)

Your humble author,


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