Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Dear Readers,

I owe you a belated Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and of course Happy Holidays.  But more importantly, especially considering I am so late serving out these well wishes, I want to wish you, from the bottom of my heart, the best, brightest, happiest, and most productive and fulfilling 2018 you can imagine.

I mean that literally.

Let me ask you a question:  What are Dreamdrifters?

Dreamdrifters are reality manipulators - geniuses of manifestation that can turn god's own creation.  They use their powers to first feel, then see in their mind's eye what it is they want to appear in this world, and then it comes.

Be a Dreamdrifter this year! 

Here's how:

1.  Decide what it is you want.

2.  Focus all of your energy - energy of body, soul, and spirit on this attainment.

3.  Watch it bloom into fruition before your eyes!

It doesn't often happen at once.

In fact, I've found that there tends to be a delay - a distance of time between my prayer and the manifestation coming to light.  This is normal, don't be frightened or discouraged.  Being a Dreamdrifter takes patience.  I prayed and worked my energy towards a manifestation in early 2012.  I was granted my wish in the middle of 2015.  These things take time, but if you work, if you pray, if you believe in yourself and your manifesting abilities, you will see the power of energy that exists all around us.

Intention is everything.   


And energy is everything.

And it is everywhere.

All the time.

And it always will be.

Happy 2018 everyone.

And may this year be a year of dreams being realized, manifestations coming to fruition, and our desires finding their mortar, their stone, and their foundation amidst so much doubt.

This is your year.

Take it.

Thank you for reading.

Shayn Bloom

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