Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Hey readers!


The new-covers-campaign is going ahead in fine fashion!  Below this post to the right side you can see the new cover for NEWBORN.  Watch for updates for the other two for that trilogy.  When they are all done, I will upload them to ePub, Smashwords, Barnes, and Noble, and Amazon.  Also, I will flesh out my author page at the time revealing that...  I'm a dude, yeah :(  Hopefully sales won't plummet but who can tell!

In other news, I'm currently in the middle of writing UTOPIAN, Book 3 of the NEWCOMER Trilogy.  Two of those books are already written, edited, and have their covers ready as you can see on the right side of this post.  July is the hopeful release date for the new trilogy, but it could be earlier.  July is the very latest possibility - better safe than sorry, eh?

Keep checking this site for updates on the writing and editing of UTOPIAN and for the new covers, which should be appearing sporadically over the next month.  I will announce when I have finished the rough draft of UTOPIAN.

Till then, my friends, stay well :)

Your humble author,
